How to Get Involved

If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that I'm incapable of doing anything on my own. This journey is no different. Much as my own prideful nature wants to shoulder the burden of my ministry alone, I know that this would not only be impossible, but destructive.

Therefore I'm asking you to get involved.
"But how," you ask! Well I'm glad you asked, because I'm about to tell you.

Option One: Support me financially.
I'll be serving as a missionary for my time at BFA. This means that I won't be making a salary, and I'm dependent on God's provision and the generosity of his church to cover my living and ministry expenses while I'm there.
I need to raise $2400 a month in order to work as a teacher at BFA. This money goes to pay for my rent, food, travel, and insurance while I'm in Germany. If you are willing, I ask you to commit to giving, either through a one-time gift or a monthly pledge.
This is the link to my personal donation page, which will allow you to make a one-time gift or a monthly pledge online.
Donate Now

Option Two: Join my Prayer Team
Nothing valuable ever happens without prayer. And I hope that my time spent serving, loving, and pouring into these kids' lives will prove valuable. Therefore, I'm looking for at least 20 faithful friends to join my ministry by partnering with me in prayer. If you commit to joining this team, I will send you regular prayer requests and updates via email, as well as offer a standing invitation to come visit me any time. :)
Want to join? Shoot me an email here:

Some requests to get you started:
1. Pray that God will be constantly focusing and preparing my heart and my mind to invest in and love the kids he's calling me to serve. I long to feel peace in his plan and a passion to know him more deeply.
