The Adventure Begins

Well friends, here we are.
I've been a college grad for two days now, and as I say farewell to term papers, professors, and friends, I'm looking ahead to new adventures.

I'm delighted to announce that these adventures are nothing I could have predicted at the beginning of this year. After graduating with degrees in English and Spanish, I will be moving to Germany to work as a resident assistant at Black Forest Academy. While this is perhaps not the natural next step after studying the Spanish language and English literature for four years, I am, as they say "super pumped."

After spending the summer working and fundraising in Grove City, I'll be crossing the Atlantic on August 10th, ready to begin my two-year commitment as a full-time missionary in Kandern, Germany. My mission will be to show Christ's love and guidance to the missionary kids studying at BFA. It will  be my daily task to live among these children, love these children, and participate in the glorious task of raising up this next generation of missionaries. Want to get involved? 
Check out the "How to Get Involved" tab at the top.

I'll continue to update this blog with  pictures, scripture, and  tales of victory, grace, and adventure as I begin this journey. So if you're into such things, I encourage you to check back often.

May the Lamb who was slain receive the reward for his suffering.

Amanda Rumbaugh
