Wanna See a Movie?

Hey friends!

Firstly, I just want to be the first to tell you that I've reached 74% of my financial support! Praise Jesus!! I really don't know what else to say besides that. And also THANK YOU to those who are on my support team. I pray for and thank God for each of you every day.
Thank you for praying that God continues to provide. Because I know that he will, and I have no doubt that it's largely because of your prayers.

Secondly, want to know a little more about Black Forest Academy? This is a sweet 7 minute video that does a great job of showing the story, life, and passion of BFA.
I am so excited to meet, serve, and love these kids as they develop their vision for changing their world.

Black Forest Academy: At A Glance from Black Forest Academy Videos on Vimeo.


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