You won't believe this...

...because I didn't believe it either.

But this week, it's like God looked at me and said, "Oh you were worried? Look what I can do." And then he blew all of my expectations and ideas of what was possible out of the water.

I bought a plane ticket this morning.
As you know, I've been waiting to arrive at the 90% mark so that I could purchase a flight over to Germany. I figured that I'd hit 90%, buy a ticket, and then wait for the last 10% to arrive once I crossed the pond.

Ha. No. God is apparently way bigger than that--I know you're shocked.
As a friend of mine is in the habit of saying, there is no lack in the kingdom. Well that's true.

This week my support level jumped from 84% to 114%. (Insert jaw-drop here.)
This means I'll probably have funds to come home for Christmas, to pay for any emergencies that arise, and to continue sponsoring Ari, my Compassion child.
I really (and I mean REALLY) have no idea what I did to earn or deserve such a huge blessing. I was at my brother's wedding this week. It's not like I was doing a lot of support raising. But Jesus is way bigger than my fundraising efforts. And he just proved it to me. And I am praising Him so SO much, because it's all I know to do.
My coloring page is completely filled in. I can't believe this is real.
But it is.
So thank you, Jesus, for your provision and your faithfulness. 
And thank you to everyone who has joined my support team and is partnering with me as I fly to Germany.
I couldn't be more humbled and grateful.
I officially leave Friday, August 10th to begin training on Monday, August 13th.
I guess I have to pack.
Wow, God. You are so good.


  1. #Partytime!!
    I read a an awesome line in They Found the Secret the other week. It was written of Hudson Taylor by a friend of his, describing him as follows: "Whatever did not agitate the Savior, or ruffle His spirit was not to agitate [Taylor]."
    And I was like, "....WHAT??" What an awesome testimony to live; what a wonderful thing to have noticed & said of your faith in Christ's provision, goodness, and sovereignty.
    That we would all live this way: convinced of Christ's faithfulness, refusing to be worried by anything that does not worry our Father in Heaven (And, of course, nothing ever worries Him.)

    Ps. Do you think this would be a good time to break out the cheesecake in the barn freezer? I think mom would understand, don't you?

    1. Amy, did we ever eat that cheesecake? Because if not, I am FILLED with deep regret.


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